1303 West Evans Street Florence, SC 29501

Providing Hope For Consumers

At Hays Cauley, P.C., we know you are more than just a credit score. We are here to help you overcome problems related to credit reporting, identity theft, and debt.

Our Services

Fair Credit Reporting Act

Credit Fraud

Credit Report Errors and Disputes

Incorrectly Reported as Deceased

Fraudulent Credit Reporting

Credit Identity Theft

Background Check Report Errors

Fighting Credit Card Lawsuits

Stop Collection Harassment

Tenant Screening Report Errors

Credit Reporting Errors

Identity Theft Victims


Incorrectly Reported as Deceased

Mixed-up Credit Reports

Over 25 Years Of Experience In Credit And Consumer Law

At Hays Cauley, P.C., our practice is dedicated to helping individuals resolve legal issues related to credit reporting errors, credit card lawsuits and identity theft.

If your financial security is being harmed by inaccurate or outdated data on your credit report, we are the firm to call. If you’ve been the victim of identity theft, we will work tirelessly to ensure that your finances and your credit score are not damaged by someone else’s wrongdoing.

In addition to fighting for consumers across South Carolina, Penny Hays Cauley is also a certified civil mediator for cases pending in South Carolina Federal Court, State Court and/or in Arbitration. With over 25 years of litigation experience, Penny can help parties achieve their best efforts at reaching a resolution.

Giving Consumers Power And A Voice

Us Americans, we are too often defined by corporations — including credit reporting agencies and financial institutions. Three major credit reporting agencies determine your credit score, and that number can have a huge impact whether you can get a job, a loan, a place to live and even security clearance in certain occupations. Credit card debt can lead to harassing phone calls, lawsuits and other problems.

To make matters worse, credit reports are often full of inaccurate and fraudulent information, and lenders (and the debt collectors who represent them) regularly engage in debt collection practices that are illegal. If you are facing problems with harassment, credit reporting errors or lawsuits related to your debt, it is all too easy to lose hope.

The good news is: You have more power than you realize, and you don’t have to fight these battles alone.

Affordable Legal Services And Free Consultations

Most legal services we offer are paid on contingency. That means you pay no money up front, and you only pay attorney fees if we are able to recover money for you.

We may be a small firm, but we’re not afraid to take on some of the biggest companies in the world. As a sign of our commitment to consumers, we only represent individuals — never businesses.

Located in Florence, South Carolina, Hays Cauley, P.C., is proud to help clients throughout South Carolina and Alabama. To discuss your case with one of our attorneys, call us at 843-773-2782 or fill out our online contact form..

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Five ways to prevent identity theft

Identity theft is one of the most lucrative and common crimes in South Carolina. The consequences can be severe. Victims must deal with the trauma and the potential financial harm.

Have you been falsely reported deceased on your credit report?

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Steps To Take After Being Victimized by Identity Theft

Errors on your credit report can have a tremendous impact on your life. You might be denied employment, incur higher interest rates on loans, and be iced out from the